Risultati della ricerca

Abbiamo trovato 1 risultato per la tua ricerca:
  • Cetaceans and & Other Marine Biodiversity

    For better or worse, climate change is altering ecosystems and communities around the globe. There are two essential elements to reducing the negative effects of these changes: limiting the rate and extent of climate change itself (mitigation), and reducing the vulnerability of pecies, systems, and communities to actual and anticipated changes (adaptation).

  • River Dolphins and People: Shared Rivers, Shared Future

    As this report shows, river dolphins embody this truth. This report highlights how uncoordinated efforts to manage our rivers and the impacts of economic development have alread led to the extinction of one river dolphin species. Their well-being is a telltale indicator of river health, and their current decline should be an alarm bell for everyone involved in shaping freshwater policy or managing corporate risk.

  • WWF’s global Cetacean Conservation Programme

    At or near the top of the food web, whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) are highly vulnerable to harmful human activities in marine and freshwater ecosystems.

  • WWF species Action Plan: Marine and Freshwater Cetaceans

    Whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) have captured human imagination since ancient times and are without doubt some of the most fascinating animals on earth. The 87 recognized cetacean species demonstrate a myriad of characteristics and behaviours, and have adapted to an enormous range of habitats – from the polar regions to the tropics, from the high seas to rivers and lakes.

  • WWF and Polar Bear Conservation

    Polar bears, the charismatic icon of the Arctic environment, have long been a focus in WWF’s on-the-ground research and conservation projects in the Arctic, going back to 1972 – and climate change is a primary focus of our global conservation efforts.

  • A global plan for polar bears

    WWF Magazine about a global plan for polar bears

  • Cambiare la moda – Sintesi

    Rating della industria tessile e dell'abbigliamento

  • Changing Fashion - full report

    Rating of the clothing and textile industry

  • Intagliare con il coltellino

    2017-09_ Intagliare_con_il_coltellino.pdf
  • The Swiss Water Footprint

    The welfare of Switzerland depends on water from other countries: this is what you will discover in this study carried out by WWF in partnership with SDC and specialized Universities, in collaboration with the interdepartmental group of the Swiss Federal offices concerned with water issues (IDANE Wasser).

  • The imported water risk

    More than 1500 lakes, rivers, and bodies of water provide Switzerland with an abundance of water. Our country is called the water castle of Europe. In spite of this fact, Switzerland is not insulated from water problems – not only in the future due to climate change, but even

  • Cosmetica naturale

  • Cucinare sul fuoco senza pentole

    2016-08_ Cucinare_sul_fuoco.pdf
  • Fuoco a griglia per le giornate di pioggia

  • Dessert al profumo di bosco

  • How banks can safeguard our world heritage

    This report highlights the increasingly important and urgent role that banks need to play in helping to safeguard natural World Heritage sites now and for future generations.

  • Ecosystem Services

    Ecosystem services valuation as a decision-making tool. Conceptual bases and lessons learned in the Amazon region.

  • Missione ruscello

    Manuale tascabile per esploratori di ruscelli. Annotando le proprie osservazioni sarà possibile scoprire quanto è pulita l'acqua di un corso d'acqua. Da stampare in formato A3, ritagliare e assemblare.

  • Esplorazione Suolo: erosione

    Dalla roccia alla terra: due esperimenti per comprendere il principio dell'erosione dovuta all'azione dell'acqua e della vegetazione.

  • Esplorazione Suolo: giardinaggio in miniatura

    È possibile dedicarsi al giardinaggio anche in assenza di un orto scolastico. In questa scheda vengono presentate alcune possibilità da sperimentare con gli allievi.

  • Escursione fiume Calnegia

    Alla scoperta dei fiumi svizzeri. I corsi d'acqua allo stato naturale sono rari e meritano di essere tutelati. Ecco una proposta di escursione per visitare i più bei fiumi della Svizzera.

  • Escursione fiume Verzasca

    Alla scoperta dei fiumi svizzeri. I corsi d'acqua allo stato naturale sono rari e meritano di essere tutelati. Ecco una proposta di escursione per visitare i più bei fiumi della Svizzera.

  • Escursione fiume Reuss

    Alla scoperta dei fiumi svizzeri. I corsi d'acqua allo stato naturale sono rari e meritano di essere tutelati. Ecco una proposta di escursione per visitare i più bei fiumi della Svizzera.

  • Coral Triangle and Climate Change Summary

    This report sets out the full extent of the threats and proposes solutions to the challenges facing the Coral Triangle and its people. Based on a thorough consideration of the climate, biology, economics and social characteristics of the region, it shows why these challenges are increasing, and how unchecked climate change will ultimately undermine and destroy ecosystems and livelihoods in the Coral Triangle.

  • Domande frequenti sui Campi Natura

    Domande frequenti sui Campi Natura.pdf
  • Eislaterne

    Anleitung um eine Eislaterne zu machen.

  • Lanterne di ghiaccio

  • 2017 11 03 WWF COP23 Expectations Paper

    Expectations Paper by WWF International for the UNFCCC COP23 Climate Conference in Bonn, November 2017

    2017 11 30 WWF_COP23_Expectations_Paper.pdf
  • Decarbonizing Swiss Real Estate

    For institutional real estate investors the current environment poses a significant strategic challenge: there is a high degree of uncertainty induced by both the global carbon reduction targets and the associated local carbon policies, as well as by the potential long-term change of macroeconomic factors (e.g., energy prices) and resulting market preferences of tenants.

  • Dessert al profumo di bosco (Primo-terzo ciclo)

    Idee per attività all’aperto con la classe: raccogliere le faggiole e cucinare sul fuoco un dessert al profumo di bosco.
