
Wir haben 2301 Resultate für Ihre Suche gefunden:
  • Forschen mit dem Insektenstaubsauger (1. - 3. Zyklus)

    Eine Anleitung zum Bau eines Insektenstaubsaugers. Entdecken Sie mit Ihrer Klasse die Bodenfauna.

  • Tannenzapfenmuster (1. - 3. Zyklus)

    Mit Naturmaterialien diverse Muster kreieren, zum Beispiel für eine Weihnachtsdekoration.

  • Heil- und Küchenkräuter Portraits (1. und 2. Zyklus)

    Heilkläuterportraits für Kinder

  • Bodenentdecker-Set Dossier für Lehrpersonen (1. und 2. Zyklus)

    Dieses Dossier bietet die Hintergrundinformationen zum Bodenentdecker-Kartenset

  • Das importierte Wasserrisiko - Auszug

    Wasser findet sich in der Schweiz mit mehr als 1’500 Seen, Flüssen und Gewässern im Überfluss. Unser Land gilt als Wasserschloss Europas. Trotz dieser Tatsache ist die Schweiz nicht gefeit vor Wasserproblemen, nicht nur in Zukunft aufgrund des Klimawandels, sondern schon heute.

  • Reviving the Economy of the Mediterranean Sea

    This report from WWF demonstrates that the Mediterranean Sea is a major contributor to the regional GDP and that its natural resources represent a huge asset for the Blue Economy not only for the region but also globally.

  • The imported water risk - Excerpt

    More than 1500 lakes, rivers, and bodies of water provide Switzerland with an abundance of water. Our country is called the water castle of Europe. In spite of this fact, Switzerland is not insulated from water problems – not only in the future due to climate change, but even today.

  • Reviving the Ocean Economy

    WWF’s Reviving the Ocean Economy report, done in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, clearly spells out what we all stand to lose if the mismanagement of ocean assets continues.
    Recognizing that science alone is an insufficient motivator, we have combined the evidence of serious environmental degradation with the economic case for urgent action.

    2015-04-Report-Reviving the Ocean Economy.pdf
  • Reviving the Ocean Economy - Summary

    This is the summary version of WWF’s Reviving the Ocean Economy report, done in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, which clearly spells out what we all stand to lose if the mismanagement of ocean assets continues.
    Recognizing that science alone is an insufficient motivator, we have combined the evidence of serious environmental degradation with the economic case for urgent action.

    2015-04-Summary Report-Reviving the Ocean Economy.pdf
  • Principles for a Sustainable Blue Economy

    WWF developed a set of Principles for a «Sustainable Blue Economy.»

    2015-08-Brochure-Principles for a Blue Economy.pdf
  • Living Blue Planet

    This report provides the most accurate picture of the state of the ocean--and the results are not good. We have lost half the fish populations that we rely on in less than half a century. The findings spell trouble for all nations, but will especially impact people in the developing world who rely on seafood for their daily diets and economic livelihoods.

    2015-08-Report-Living Blue Planet.pdf
  • Reviving Melanesia Ocean Economy

    The Reviving the Melanesia Ocean Economy report, produced by WWF in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, finds that Melanesia’s ocean economy is one of the main economic drivers in the region and describes the major role the ocean plays in providing food, livelihoods and well-being. As multiple pressures combine to threaten the ocean assets that deliver so much for the region, the report outlines clear steps for Melanesia to urgently translate commitments into scaled-up action to achieve a sustainable and inclusive blue economy and a healthy future.

    2016-10-Report-Reviving Melanesia Ocean Economy.pdf
  • Reviving Melanesia Ocean Economy - Summary

    This is the summary version of the Reviving the Melanesia Ocean Economy report, produced by WWF in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, which finds that Melanesia’s ocean economy is one of the main economic drivers in the region and describes the major role the ocean plays in providing food, livelihoods and well-being. As multiple pressures combine to threaten the ocean assets that deliver so much for the region, the report outlines clear steps for Melanesia to urgently translate commitments into scaled-up action to achieve a sustainable and inclusive blue economy and a healthy future.

    2016-10-Summary Report-Reviving Melanesia Ocean Economy.pdf
  • Reviving the Western Indian Ocean Economy

    The Reviving the Western Indian Ocean Economy report, produced by WWF in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, details the values of the ocean assets, the growing threats they face and the priority actions needed to provide a more certain and sustainable future for its people.

    2017-01-Report-Reviving The Western Indian Ocean Economy.pdf
  • Reviving the Western Indian Ocean Economy - Summary

    This is the summary version of the Reviving the Western Indian Ocean Economy report, produced by WWF in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, details the values of the ocean assets, the growing threats they face and the priority actions needed to provide a more certain and sustainable future for its people.

    2017-01-Summary Report-Reviving The Western Indian Ocean Economy.pdf
  • Living Amazon Report 2016

    Over the last few years, we have learned how important the Amazon is for human well-being, in helping to stabilize the world’s climate and hydrological cycle and providing ecosystem services that underpin the region’s food, water and energy security. The word “irreplaceable” is over-used but fully justified here.

  • Walddessert (1. - 3. Zyklus)

    Rezept für ein Walddessert:Bucheckern mit Herbstkompot

  • Bewertung der Lebensmittel-Labels, Hintergrundbericht

  • CO2-Budget der Schweiz (EBP 2017)

    Kurzbericht zum CO2-Budget der Schweiz - Fossil-Ausstieg bis 2038.

  • Matsch Mathe (1. Zyklus)

    Addieren, Zählen und Muster legen, das lässt sich auch draussen üben.

  • Kochen über dem Feuer (1. - 3. Zyklus)

    Bräteln einmal anders: Ei im Säckli, Brotschale oder einen Schoggi-Hotdog?

  • Frühlings Kerzen (1. und 2. Zyklus)

    Sammeln und pressen Sie Pflanzen und basteln Sie eine wunderbare Wiesenblumenkerze.

  • Nachhaltige Rezeptideen für Schullager (1. -3. Zyklus)

    Eine Auswahl an leckeren Rezepten für das Klassenlager oder -zmittag.

    2016-05 lehrmittel-nachhaltige-rezeptideen.pdf
  • Cetaceans and & Other Marine Biodiversity

    For better or worse, climate change is altering ecosystems and communities around the globe. There are two essential elements to reducing the negative effects of these changes: limiting the rate and extent of climate change itself (mitigation), and reducing the vulnerability of pecies, systems, and communities to actual and anticipated changes (adaptation).

  • River Dolphins and People: Shared Rivers, Shared Future

    As this report shows, river dolphins embody this truth. This report highlights how uncoordinated efforts to manage our rivers and the impacts of economic development have alread led to the extinction of one river dolphin species. Their well-being is a telltale indicator of river health, and their current decline should be an alarm bell for everyone involved in shaping freshwater policy or managing corporate risk.

  • WWF’s global Cetacean Conservation Programme

    At or near the top of the food web, whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) are highly vulnerable to harmful human activities in marine and freshwater ecosystems.

  • WWF species Action Plan: Marine and Freshwater Cetaceans

    Whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) have captured human imagination since ancient times and are without doubt some of the most fascinating animals on earth. The 87 recognized cetacean species demonstrate a myriad of characteristics and behaviours, and have adapted to an enormous range of habitats – from the polar regions to the tropics, from the high seas to rivers and lakes.

  • WWF and Polar Bear Conservation

    Polar bears, the charismatic icon of the Arctic environment, have long been a focus in WWF’s on-the-ground research and conservation projects in the Arctic, going back to 1972 – and climate change is a primary focus of our global conservation efforts.

  • A global plan for polar bears

    WWF Magazine about a global plan for polar bears

  • Zersetzung im Boden (1. und 2. Zyklus)

    Mit einem einfachen Experiment die Zersetzungsprozesse verschiedener Materialien beobachten.
