Résultats de la recherche

Nous avons trouvé 945 résultats pour votre recherche:
  • Forêt-Noire végétalienne

    Recette pour la visite | 24-26cm Ø | 90 minutes
  • Mousse au chocolat végétalienne

    Recette pour 6 personnes | 15 minutes
  • Partnership Feldschlösschen 2022

    Feldschlösschen is supporting ‘Forest of the Future’ — a project based on a cooperation between the Canton of Lucerne and WWF. The aim of the project is to reforest the woodland in a way that makes it more resilient to global warming and improves biodiversity. For every can of ‘Uszit’ beer sold, 2.5 centimes will be going towards the project, which is set to last 3 years. Swiss forests are increasingly suffering from the effects of climate change. Rising average temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and more frequent storms are putting pressure on domestic forests. The Canton of Lucerne’s Agriculture and Forestry Service (lawa) has therefore set itself the task of planting young tree species in the forest that are both more resistent to climate change and improve biodiversity in the forest. The financial support that Feldschlösschen is providing for the project will enable the Canton of Lucerne and WWF to reforest an additional area of about 12 hectares, making the quality of the forest in a larger area of the Lucerne forest fitter to cope with climate change and richer in species.  Find out more
  • Partnership Cornèrcard 2021

    For each newly issued WWF credit card, Cornèrcard transfers CHF 50 to the WWF and for each annual renewal, CHF 25. In addition, 0.25% of the purchase sum is transferred to WWF each time the card is used. Cornèrcard covers the contributions to WWF; there are no additional costs for card owners.
  • Partnership Salt 2022

    For each WWF Mobile Swiss subscription, Salt transfers CHF 10 per month to the WWF. Together with Salt, subscribers support the WWF in protecting the environment and shaping a future worth living for future generations. At the same time, subscribers benefit from attractive conditions. You can find more information about the collaboration here.
  • Partnership SIG 2022

    SIG joins WWF's Forests Forward program and supports thriving forests around the world
  • 2021 Partnership with Starbucks

    Starbucks wants to encourage even more people to use a reusable cup and began charging 10 centimes on disposable cups in all Starbucks Coffee Houses in Switzerland in August 2021 to help push customers towards greater sustainability.   All the proceeds will go to WWF Switzerland to be used for a number of projects, including ones aimed at reducing plastic pollution in the environment.
  • Partnership with the SWICA Healthcare Organisation 2022

    Since 2021, the SWICA Healthcare Organisation and WWF collaborate to champion human and environmental health. The focus of this partnership is on the correlations between an intact environment and population health. Thanks to the partnership between SWICA and WWF, WWF members and patrons are eligible for attractive premium discounts on supplementary insurance. More information about this collaboration can be found here (in German).
  • Partnership TEPPFA 2022

    TEPPFA, the European Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association, and its members have set themselves the goal of reducing the industry's footprint. To achieve this ambitious target, TEPPFA will analyse the existing footprint and materiality of the sector, identify the biggest levers for reducing the footprint. Subsequently, TEPPFA's sustainability strategy will be revised and recommendations for members will be defined.    WWF works with TEPPFA in the role of critical sparring partner to ensure that a sound, credible analysis is carried out that adequately addresses the relevant environmental issues. In addition, WWF supports TEPPFA in adapting its sustainability strategy and developing relevant implementation recommendations for its members.    TEPPFA represents a total of 350 European companies, which represents according to TEPPFA estimates 70 - 75% of the EU market for plastic building and infrastructure pipes. The aim is to reduce the footprint of the entire industry in the long term. This joint and innovative approach of industry members at association level creates transparency on environmental impacts and has great potential for sustainable, environmental improvement of the sector.
  • Partnership with Zürcher Kantonalbank 2022

    In accordance with its performance mandate, Zürcher Kantonalbank promotes eco-friendly development in the Canton of Zurich. Raising awareness among children and adolescents plays an important part. Zürcher Kantonalbank enables thousands of children in the Canton of Zurich to participate in WWF school visits, holiday camps, and nature adventure days. 
  • Other activities with companies 2022

    WWF also works with companies through its corporate volunteering programme and corporate donations.
  • Partnership with Denner 2022

    Denner is aware of its environmental responsibility and has incorporated the careful handling of natural resources into its corporate principles. In the context of the partnership, Denner has set ambitious goals for making a significant contribution to sustainable development in terms of environmental issues and consumption. Denner has also been a member of the Swiss Soy Network since 2017 and is committed to ensuring that soy production does not take place at the cost of tropical forests or other regions of environmental value.  
  • Faire du neuf avec du vieux

    Upcycling und Recycling sind im Trend – das gefällt uns! Ein sorgfältiger Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen ist zentral für unseren Umweltschutz: Finden Sie hier eine Auswahl unserer Produkte aus wiederverwendeten Materialien.
  • Connaissance de la nature à l’école

    Liebe und Wissen zur Natur und zu Tieren vermitteln: Hier finden Sie lehrreiche und nachhaltige Produkte für Schule, Kindergarten und für Zuhause.
  • Notre quiz sur les mers du monde

    Les océans nous fournissent de la nourriture, produisent de l'oxygène, régulent le climat et offrent un habitat à d'innombrables espèces. En bref, ils constituent une ressource essentielle à la vie sur notre planète. Testez vos connaissances sur ce fascinant monde sous-marin en répondant à notre quiz.
  • Error

  • Boutique WWF

    Votre achat soutient une production durable et le travail de protection de l'environnement que le WWF mène dans le monde entier. Merci!
  • Durabilité au quotidien

    Des objets durables pour les déplacements ou chez soi: découvrez le kit de recyclage WWF, les bouteilles thermos, les lunchbox et bien plus encore dans la boutique WWF.
  • Partnership Velux 2020

    WWF and the VELUX Group collaborate globally on an ambitious climate project, taking responsibility for both past and future actions. Nature is in crisis and climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. Tackling it involves every single one of us. Governments and businesses need to commit to more ambitious action to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. In response to this, the VELUX Group has committed to reducing its future CO2 emissions in line with a 1.5°C decarbonization pathway. Additionally, the VELUX Group will capture its historical carbon footprint, dated from when it was founded in 1941, through WWF forest conservation projects. This will benefit both biodiversity and communities. By the time the Velux Group celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2041, the climate investment will ensure the offset past CO2 emissions.
  • Partenariat Velux 2020

    Le WWF et le groupe VELUX travaillent ensemble sur un projet climatique ambitieux pour assumer la responsabilité des actes passés et futurs. A l’échelle planétaire, la nature est en crise et les changements climatiques nous placent face aux plus grands défis que l’humanité ait jamais eu à affronter. Afin de relever ces défis, chacun de nous doit y mettre du sien. Les gouvernements et les entreprises aussi doivent s’engager à prendre des mesures ambitieuses, afin que le réchauffement de la terre puisse être limité à 1,5 degré par rapport au niveau préindustriel. Le groupe VELUX s’est engagé à réduire ses futures émissions de CO2 dans l’esprit de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat, qui table sur cet objectif de 1,5 degré. Mais il va plus loin encore en voulant compenser son empreinte carbone historique depuis sa fondation en 1941 jusqu’à ce jour, et mise pour cela sur des projets de protection des forêts gérés par le WWF. Cette ambition soutient tant la biodiversité des régions que les communautés locales et permettra au groupe VELUX de compenser ses émissions de CO2 à ce jour par ses investissements dans la protection du climat, ceci d’ici 2041, année qui marquera son centenaire.
  • Matériel pédagogique

    Pour vous aider à préparer vos cours, nous avons mis au point un matériel pédagogique très complet et vous envoyons régulièrement de nouveaux documents via notre newsletter pour les enseignants. Par ailleurs, vous trouverez sur notre site internet toutes nos activités destinées aux écoles et au personnel enseignant: Pandamobile, Journées découverte, animations scolaires, projets scolaires, base de données sur les dossiers pédagogiques, etc..
  • Interview avec Ivana et Ben Nott

    Ivana et Ben Nott ont nommé le WWF comme unique héritier. Le couple veut s’assurer que leur succession aille entre de bonnes mains.
  • Partnership Velux 2021

    WWF and the VELUX Group collaborate globally on an ambitious climate project, taking responsibility for both past and future actions. Nature is in crisis and climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. Tackling it involves every single one of us. Governments and businesses need to commit to more ambitious action to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. In response to this, the VELUX Group has committed to reducing its future CO2 emissions in line with a 1.5°C decarbonization pathway. Additionally, the VELUX Group will capture its historical carbon footprint, dated from when it was founded in 1941, through WWF forest conservation projects. This will benefit both biodiversity and communities. By the time the Velux Group celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2041, the climate investment will ensure the offset past CO2 emissions.
  • Other activities with companies 2020

    WWF also works with companies through its corporate volunteering programme and corporate donations.
  • Partnership with IKEA 2020

    Ikea and WWF have been collaborating together at the international level since 2000 to promote responsible forestry, environmentally friendly cotton production, and climate protection globally. In Switzerland, they are working together towards a future based on renewable energy. Find more information on the international partnership with Ikea here.
  • Partenariat IKEA 2019

    Ikea et le WWF collaborent au niveau international depuis 2000 afin de promouvoir une sylviculture responsable, la production de coton vert et la protection du climat à l’échelle mondiale. En Suisse, ils travaillent ensemble afin de bâtir un avenir ayant davantage recours aux énergies renouvelables. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le partenariat avec IKEA au niveau international ici.
  • Partnership bio-familia 2021

    In 2021, bio-familia supports the WWF project «Nature connects» (in German) with 100,000 Swiss francs as part of the sustainability campaign «Diversity of Nature», thus making an important contribution to the promotion of biodiversity in Switzerland. More information about the «Diversity of Nature» campaign can be found here (in German).
  • Partenariat bio-familia 2021

    En 2021, bio-familia soutient le projet WWF «Connexions naturelles» à hauteur de 100’000 francs dans le cadre de la campagne de durabilité «Biodiversité» et contribue ainsi significativement à la promotion de la biodiversité en Suisse. Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur la campagne «Biodiversité» ici.
  • Dire merci

    En 2023, remercier sa maman le jour de la fête des Mères peut aussi être durable, chaleureux et respectueux de la planète !
  • Kids

    Osterüberraschungen für Kinder ab 7 Jahren: Im WWF-Shop finden Sie Ideen für nachhaltige Geschenke.