Résultats de la recherche

Nous avons trouvé 945 résultats pour votre recherche:
  • Partnership with H&M Switzerland 2019

    WWF and H&M have been collaborating at international level since 2011. The objective is to significantly reduce impact on the environment and water systems. Jointly, we have already managed to implement one of the strictest measures in water protection. H&M also strives to use only recycled materials or materials from other sustainable sources in its products from 2030 onward. By 2040, the entire value chain should be climate positive. As part of this international collaboration, H&M Switzerland switched from plastic to paper bags in September 2018 and introduced a fee of 30 centimes per paper bag. As a result, a reduction of more than 60% in the number of bags handed out was achieved. Moreover, H&M donated the profits from the paper bag sale to the WWF for the "Water Protection Switzerland" project. You can find more information about the collaboration at the national level here.
  • Partenariat H&M Suisse 2019

    Depuis 2011, le WWF et H&M travaillent ensemble au niveau international dans le but de réduire l’impact négatif du groupe en termes de climat et de pollution des eaux. Ensemble, nous avons déjà mis en œuvre l’une des mesures de protection de l’eau les plus strictes. De plus, H&M a l’intention de n’utiliser que des matériaux recyclés ou issus d’autres sources durables dans ses produits à partir de 2030. D’ici 2040, l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur devrait avoir un impact positif sur le climat.  Sur la base d’une coopération internationale, H&M Suisse est passée en septembre 2018 des sacs en plastique aux sacs en papier et a instauré une taxe de 30 centimes par sac en papier. La vente de sacs a pu ainsi être réduite de 60%. En outre, H&M a reversé au WWF le produit de la vente des sacs en papier pour le projet «Protection des cours d’eau Suisse». Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur la coopération au niveau national ici.
  • Un partenariat pour l’environnement avec Salt

    Pour chaque abonnement de téléphonie mobile WWF Swiss, Salt verse 10 francs par mois au WWF. Avec le concours de Salt, les titulaires d’un abonnement soutiennent ainsi le WWF dans son travail de protection de l’environnement, afin d’offrir un avenir digne d’être vécu aux générations futures. Les abonnés profitent en outre de conditions intéressantes.
  • Partnership with Lidl Switzerland 2020

    Lidl Switzerland has been steadily strengthening its sustainability efforts in recent years – with significant success. At the beginning of 2017, Lidl Switzerland entered into a partnership with WWF Switzerland, committing to comprehensive, specific, and ambitious sustainability goals. The focus is on the further conversion of the product range to more environmentally friendly products and the reduction of the company’s emissions.
  • Partnership with Coop 2020

    Since 2006, WWF and Coop have been working together in a strategic partnership towards more environmentally-friendly consumption. Coop has made an ambitious commitment to WWF on key environmental issues.
  • Partnership with H&M Switzerland 2020

    WWF & H&M have been collaborating at an international level since 2011. The objective is to significantly reduce the environmental impact on our climate, biodiversity, and water and to inspire other fashion businesses to operate within planetary boundaries. Together, we have already been able to implement one of the strictest measures for water protection, and by 2040, the entire H&M value chain should be climate positive. In addition, H&M strives to use only recycled materials and materials from other sustainable sources in its products from 2030 onward. As part of this international collaboration, H&M Switzerland and WWF Switzerland implemented two round-up campaigns in the Swiss H&M shops in 2020. The first took place as part of World Water Week and the second before Christmas. The proceeds for both campaigns were donated to protect Swiss waters and the flora and fauna of the Swiss Alps. Click here for more information about the international collaboration.
  • 2021 Partnership with Starbucks

    Starbucks wants to encourage even more people to use a reusable cup and began charging 10 centimes on disposable cups in all Starbucks Coffee Houses in Switzerland in August 2021 to help push customers towards greater sustainability.   All the proceeds will go to WWF Switzerland to be used for a number of projects, including ones aimed at reducing plastic pollution in the environment.
  • Partnership with Swisscom 2020

    From 2006 to 2020, Swisscom collaborated with the WWF to reduce its CO2 footprint and to promote climate-friendly services. Swisscom supported the WWF Footprint Calculator and the WWF Adviser App as a partner. Together, Swisscom and WWF demonstrated and harnessed the potential of digitisation for a more sustainable, energy-efficient, and comfortable lifestyle.
  • Partnership with Denner 2020

    Denner is aware of its environmental responsibility and has incorporated the careful handling of natural resources into its corporate principles. In the context of the partnership, Denner has set ambitious goals for making a significant contribution to sustainable development in terms of environmental issues and consumption. Denner has also been a member of the Swiss Soy Network since 2017 and is committed to ensuring that soy production does not take place at the cost of tropical forests or other regions of environmental value.  
  • Partnership with Zürcher Kantonalbank 2020

    In accordance with its performance mandate, Zürcher Kantonalbank promotes eco-friendly development in the Canton of Zurich. Raising awareness among children and adolescents plays an important part. Zürcher Kantonalbank enables thousands of children in the Canton of Zurich to participate in WWF school visits, holiday camps, and nature adventure days. 
  • Partnership with SV (Schweiz) AG 2020

    Together with WWF, SV Schweiz launched the sustainability programme “ONE TWO WE” in 2013. At the core of the programme are tailor-made sustainability plans for establishments managed by SV Schweiz, and raising awareness among guests. 
  • 2021 Partnership with Feldschlösschen

    Feldschlösschen is supporting ‘Forest of the Future’ — a project based on a cooperation between the Canton of Lucerne and WWF. The aim of the project is to reforest the woodland in a way that makes it more resilient to global warming and improves biodiversity. For every can of ‘Uszit’ beer sold, 2.5 centimes will be going towards the project, which is set to last 3 years. Swiss forests are increasingly suffering from the effects of climate change. Rising average temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and more frequent storms are putting pressure on domestic forests. The Canton of Lucerne’s Agriculture and Forestry Service (lawa) has therefore set itself the task of planting young tree species in the forest that are both more resistent to climate change and improve biodiversity in the forest. The financial support that Feldschlösschen is providing for the project will enable the Canton of Lucerne and WWF to reforest an additional area of about 12 hectares, making the quality of the forest in a larger area of the Lucerne forest fitter to cope with climate change and richer in species.  Find out more
  • Partnership with Emmi 2020

    Emmi has set the goal of reducing the environmental impact of milk processing. The focus of the collaboration with WWF is on reducing CO2e emissions and food waste in production.
  • Partnership with Cornèrcard 2020

    For each newly issued WWF credit card, Cornèrcard transfers CHF 50 to the WWF and for each annual renewal, CHF 25. In addition, 0.25% of the purchase sum is transferred to WWF each time the card is used. Cornèrcard covers the contributions to WWF; there are no additional costs for card owners.
  • Partnership with Migros 2020

    The Migros Cooperative Alliance (‘Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund’, Migros) has been committed to helping the environment alongside WWF for more than 20 years. Since 2009, this cooperation has taken place as part of a comprehensive strategic partnership, which includes ambitious goals in the most relevant environmental areas. 
  • Partnership with IWB 2020

    The WWF and IWB are partners for renewable and efficient energy supply in the Basel region, which is also compatible with the requirements for the protection of nature and wildlife. 
  • Le WWF et la DDC

    Depuis 2021, le WWF reçoit une contribution de la Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC) de la Confédération. Nous concevons ainsi une coopération au développement en accord avec les objectifs du développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies et qui concilie les objectifs de protection de l'environnement avec les besoins des populations du Sud et leur bien-être. 
  • Notre planète en concert

    Récompensée par un Emmy Award®, la série documentaire Netflix «Notre planète» se transforme en véritable spectacle immersif: la musique réarrangée par le compositeur Steven Price, lauréat d’un Oscar®, souligne la narration à l’écran du légendaire cinéaste animalier Sir David Attenborough.
  • les plus petits

    Dans la boutique WWF, des cadeaux de Pâques durables et cools pour les enfants : découvrez les peluches WWF, les jeux WWF, les porte-monnaie et bien plus encore.
  • Idées de cadeaux pour entreprises

    Vous recherchez une idée de cadeau durable? Qu'il s'agisse d'un calendrier WWF personnalisé avec des images saisissantes, d'un message de salutation particulier ou encore de notre offre «Donner plutôt qu’offrir», nous avons tout ce qu'il vous faut! Nous serons heureux de vous conseiller sur nos offres.
  • Brioche des rois végétalienne

    Recette pour 6 à 8 personnes | 45 min plus 3 heures de levée
  • Houmous

    Recette pour 4 personnes | Convient comme collation, pour le goûter, à l'apéro avec des bâtonnets de légumes ou les pique-niques.
  • SWICA et le WWF: un partenariat pour une planète en bonne santé

    L’organisation de santé SWICA et le WWF s’engagent, dans le cadre de leur partenariat, pour la santé de la population et de l’environnement. Les liens entre un environnement intact et la santé de la population sont au centre de cette initiative.
  • Pour les forêts tropicales

    2022 est l'année lunaire du tigre. En effectuant vos achats dans la boutique WWF, vous soutenez le tigre et son avenir.
  • Idées de cadeaux

    Découvrez des cadeaux durables et pratiques dans la boutique WWF.
  • Partnership with the SWICA Healthcare Organisation

    Since 2021, the SWICA Healthcare Organisation and WWF collaborate to champion human and environmental health. The focus of this partnership is on the correlations between an intact environment and population health. Thanks to the partnership between SWICA and WWF, WWF members and patrons are eligible for attractive premium discounts on supplementary insurance. More information about this collaboration can be found here (in German).
  • Gewässerperle PLUS

  • Tresse & saumon fumé

    Tresse:  Recette pour 4 personnes | 60 minutes + 2 heures de repos Saumon fumé: Recette pour 4 personnes | 60 minutes + 2 jours de repos
  • Les mythes végétaliens

    Nous dévoilons les mythes végétaliens.
  • Salade de hareng rouge

    Recette pour 4 portions | 10 minutes