
Wir haben 882 Resultate für Ihre Suche gefunden:
  • Versorgungssicherheit

    Informationen über Versorgungssicherheit in der Energiewende

  • Gasförderung in der Schweiz

    Aus den folgenden Gründen fordert die Umweltallianz ein Verbot der Erdgasförderung in der Schweiz

  • Geothermie

    Informationen über Geothermie zur Stromerzeugung in der Energiewende

  • Marktgerechte Energiewende

    Marktwirtschaft und Energiewende – das passt zusammen

  • Situationsplan WWF-Hauptsitz, Zürich

    Wie Sie zu uns kommen

  • LSV-Formular

    Sie haben ein neues Bank- oder Postkonto? Bitte füllen Sie ein neues LSV-Formular aus und schicken es unterschrieben an uns zurück.

  • Verhaltensregeln gegenüber Bären

    Wichtiges über den Umgang mit Bären.

  • L'urs brin è da return

  • Luchs, Wolf und Braunbär

  • Rückkehr Lachs Potentialabschätzung

    Potentialabschätzungen und Massnahmen für die Rückkehr des Lachses in die Schweiz.
    Passierbarkeit der Wasserkraftwerke und Regulierwehre an Rhein, Aare, Limmat und Reuss.

  • Studie wertvolle Gewässer

    Wie gesund sind unsere Gewässer?
    Zustand und Schutzwürdigkeit der Schweizer Fliessgewässer.

  • Bären Würfelspiel (1. und 2. Zyklus)

    Mit diesm Würfelspiel geht es auf zur Bärenhöhle!

  • Arten Lexikon

    70 Pflanzen- und Tierportraits geben Auskunft über Aussehen und Verhalten der Flora und Fauna unserer Alpen.

  • Bärengeschichte Urs und Ursina

    Die Geschichte erzählt die Lebensweise der beiden Bärenkinder Urs und Ursina.

  • Der Pandabär

    Der kleine Panda berichtet über sein Leben im Bambuswald.

  • Herdenschutz Leitfaden

    Wissenswertes zum Herdenschutz.

  • Freiwillige Hirtenhilfe

    Schlussbericht des Projektes Hirten-Hilfen.

  • Factsheet Mahafaly Plateau Land and Seascape

    The spiny forest ecoregion is critical for all life on this remote region. It contains the highest percentage of endemic plant species in the country, with 48 per cent of the genera and 95 per cent of the species occurring nowhere else on earth. The coastal and marine ecosystem is alive with an estimated 6,000 reef-associated species, including 752 fish species and 340 coral species. Some of the main threats facing this landscape are a population growing at a rate of 3.3% per year, deforestation, uncontrolled and destructive fishing practices, difficult climate conditions and trafficking of species.

  • Factsheet Manambolo Tsiribihina Landscape

    The mangroves lining this landscape’s coast provide important ecological services for the region. The mangroves provide timber and fuelwood for local people and also form a buffer, protecting coastal areas from storm surges and sea level rise caused by climate change. Most critically, they are a breeding ground for crabs, fish and shrimp, which are the main sources of food and economic value for local people. Major threats include overfishing and slash-and-burn agriculture, problems accentuated by poverty and social conflict.

  • Factsheet Northern Highlands Landscape

    The most important forest corridor in northern Madagascar. The rugged territory is one of the last truly unknown corners of the world, with large areas not yet explored. It is also a critical wildlife corridor and the headwaters of rivers flowing to both the western and eastern sides of Madagascar. The immensity of the landscape means there are distinct challenges in different sections. In the west deforestation is a particular threat, while the eastern section is troubled by the illegal collection of forest products and small scale mining.

  • Factsheet Northern Mozambique Channel Seascape

    The Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) region is one of world’s outstanding marine and terrestrial biodiversity areas and a biological reservoir for coastal East Africa. The economic importance of the NMC has emerged as a future driver of national and regional development on a scale not previously realized in East Africa, due to the high fishery productivity of the Mozambique Channel, recent findings of globally significant natural gas deposits and a high potential for coastal tourism development. Accelerating population growth and demographic changes in the NMC region (growing to 30 million, by 2030) will increase demands for and pressures on resources, while at the same time providing opportunities for economic growth and building prosperity. Lackluster governance of marine resources, including low capacity, weak law enforcement (triggering expansion of Illegal fishing), inappropriate public investment and political instability, characterize the region.

  • State of Community Conservation, Summary

    Community conservation is about managing natural resources sustainably to generate returns for rural people. Conservancies, community forests and other community conservation initiatives create the needed legal framework for this. By choosing to live with wildlife, rural communities are broadening their livelihood options as well as enabling a healthier environment.

  • Giant Fish of the Mekong River

    The worlds biggest freshwater fish and 4 out of the top ten giant freshwater fish species can be found in the Mekong River which flows through Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. More giants inhabit this mighty river than any other on Earth.

  • Mekong Giant Catfish

    Current status, threats and preliminary conservation measures for the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish.

  • Mekong: New Species Discoveries 2012-2013

    An extraordinary 367 new species were discovered in the Greater Mekong in 2012 and 2013. Among the species newly described by scientists are 290 plants, 24 fish, 21 amphibians, 28 reptiles, 1 bird and 3 mammals.

  • Global 200: Greater Annamites, Mekong

    Warum Kletterpalmen wichtig sind. In den Regenwäldern der Mekong-Region haben sich die Rattan-Palmen dank einem WWF-Projekt wieder erholt. Davon profitieren die Bewohner und die Natur.

  • Argumente gegen Investitionen in Kohlekraftwerken

    Was spricht gegen die Beteiligung von Schweizer Energieversorgern an Kohlekraftwerken im Ausland?

  • The Energy Report

    This report shows how, by 2050, we could get all the energy we need from renewable sources.

  • Wie der Panda zu seinen Flecken kam

    Eine Geschichte zum Fortsetzen.

  • Die Dekarbonisierung des Schweizer

    Wie kann ein institutioneller Immobilienanleger wie die Credit Suisse ihr Portfolio dekarbonisieren?
